Our Departments

Cardiovascular Rehabilitation

Head: Gianni Destro, M.D.

The Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Unit is located on the first and second floors of Building A, and on the second floor of Building B. It includes three medication rooms (one on each floor) and three commons rooms with television. Patients can be monitored throughout the structure and surrounding park with telemetry monitoring systems. Doctor’s consulting rooms are located on the first floor of building A, in the vicinity of the outpatient clinic and ergonomic and erospirometry laboratories, Dynamic ECG Holter and echocardiography for both inpatients and outpatients (the Clinic is linked to the National Healthcare System (NHS) for this activity).


Department of Eating and Weight Disorders

Head: Riccardo Dalle Grave, M.D.

Eating Disorder Treatment (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and eating disorders not otherwise specified - EDNOS)

Obesity rehabilitation


Outpatient visits

Outpatient activities for NHS patients

Access to national health care services requires a doctor’s prescription. The payment of “tickets” (cost to be paid by the patient as a participatory contribution to the national health service) and outpatient services, can be paid in cash (up to the maximum amount allowed by law), by check, bank card, or credit card, at the cash office from 8.20 a.m. onwards (and from 7.30 a.m. for physiotherapy services provided in the early hours of the morning).


Hospital guidelines
Admission process
What to pack in your hospital bag
Insurance Conventions
Outpatient visits
Head Office
Opening Hours
Family visits
News & Comunicazioni

Forty years of the Villa Garda Eating Disorder Clinical Service: From the Eclectic Disease Model to the Psychological Multistep CBT-E Model

Dalle Grave, R., & Calugi, S. (2024)

Intensive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa Outcomes before, during and after the COVID-19 Crisis.

Dalle Grave, R., Chimini, M., Cattaneo, G., Dalle Grave, A., Ferretti, L., Parolini, S., & Calugi, S. (2024).

Female obesity: clinical and psychological assessment toward the best treatment

Guglielmi, V., Dalle Grave, R., Leonetti, F., & Solini, A.

Contact us for outpatient services

Contact us for an appointment request and we will call you back as soon as possible